The Saturday matinee adventure classic is back! Young Prince Valiant travels to Camelot to become a squire for Sir Gawain, one of King Arthur's legendary knights, unaware that the traitor that sold his father King Aguar to the pagan rival King Sligon is already seated at the Round Table!

With thrilling action, romance, courtly intrigue, Franz Waxman's rousing score, and a stirling cast of Hollywood greats including James Mason (North by Northwest), Janet Leigh (Psycho), Robert Wagner (A Kiss Before Dying, Austin Powers) , Debra Paget (The Ten Commandments), Sterling Hayden (Dr. Strangelove), Victor McLaglen (The Quiet Man), Donald Crisp (National Velvet) and Tom Conway (Cat People), Prince Valiant (directed by Oscar-nominated Henry Hathaway) is released for home viewing on DVD & Blu-ray for the first time in the UK on 26 April 2010 by Eureka at the RRP of £15.99 for the DVD and £17.99 for the Blu-ray. The only listed extra is the original trailer. |