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The Queen of Spades back in cinemas and on UK DVD for the first time

1 December 2009

A rarely discussed and even more rarely seen post-war British supernatural drama, Thorold Dickinson's The Queen of Spades has not played in British cinemas since its original release in 1949. Now it is to be digitally re-issued by Optimum for a release at key London sites as well as regional art-houses across the country, in association with the ICO, on Saturday 26th December 2009. It will be then released on DVD for the first time in January 2010, alongside other Dickinson favourites Secret People and High Command.

It is 1806, Imperial Russia, and St Petersburg is in the grip of gambling fever. No card strikes more fear in to the hearts of the soldiers than the evil Queen of Spades. Captain Herman Suvorin (Anton Walbrook) is a lowly German engineer: an outsider obsessed with making his fortune whose peculiar manner isolates him from the revelries of the other bawdy soldiers. He is intrigued, though, by soldiers' gossip that tells of the legend of an ancient Countess (Dame Edith Evans), who supposedly sold her soul to the devil years before in exchange for the secret of success at the card game de jour: Faro.

When he stumbles across a strange and rare book that seems to confirm the story, Suvorin sets about a dastardly plan in order to extract the old lady's secret for himself. Worming his way into the household by paying false court to the Countess' lonely ward Lizaveta (Yvonne Mitchell), Suvorin discovers a secret door to the palace that leads directly into the Countess' chambers. On the night of a ball that the Countess and Lizaveta attend, he enters the palace and waits in the shadows for the Countess, determined to learn her secret before another bitter winter's day breaks…

The Queen of Spades is a wonderfully evocative and sinister drama, made by one of the most underrated of British directors: Thorold Dickinson, who throughout his career refused to compromise his artistic integrity in the face of commercial pressures. Based on a short story by Alexander Pushkin, the film boasts memorable performances by Anton Walbrook (The Red Shoes) as the soldier driven insane by his lust for success and fortune and Dame Edith Evans (Tom Jones, Scrooge) as the bitter and twisted old Countess who gave away her soul for a short-lived salvation.

Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese is one of the film's most vociferous supporters and he has kindly recording a brief introduction to the film that will be seen by audiences before each screening of the film during its theatrical run.

The Queen of Spades and Secret People will be released on UK DVD on 18th January 2010. High Command will follow later in the year. As yet no details of extra features, if any, have been specified.