Christiane discovers a place called "The Sound", a seedy teen hangout infested with drugs and dealers only too happy to feed Valium and Heroin to kids eager to escape their dreary reality. She meets Detlef, who starts using heroin soon after they become a couple. Scared of losing him to the drug, Christiane also beings using and in her desperation soon finds herself selling her body on the street trying to support their habit.
One of the defining European films of the early 80s, Christiane F. (Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo) remains a powerful, gritty and disturbing film about young girl turning to drugs and prostitution to escape the banality of life in a grey council estate in Berlin. Directed by then newcomer Uli Edel, who went on to make Last Exit to Brooklyn and the recent The Baader Meinhof Complex (Der Baader Meinhof Komplex) and based on the true story of Christiane F, who at 13 became addicted to Heroin and turned to prostitution, the film is convincingly performed by a cast of unknowns, and features David Bowie as the voice of a generation.

Christiane F. has been announced for a UK DVD release on 16th November 2009 by Arrow Films at the RRP of £15.99. No extras have been detailed as yet. |