A warm, bittersweet French comedy, The Grocer's Son is the feature film debut of acclaimed documentary filmmaker Eric Guirado, and new acting talent Nicolas Cazalé, who was nominated for a César (French Oscar) for his wonderful lead-role performance.
Thirty-year-old Antoine Sforza (Cazalé) leaves Paris after ten years living there, and reluctantly returns to the village in the south of France for the summer to look after the family mobile grocery van while his father recovers from a heart attack. Back in the village, accompanied by the young woman he loves, he does the job half-heatedly and with little interest. Slowly though, and with the help of his young love, he gradually warms to his experience in the hills and his encounters with the villagers, in the process rediscovering life and love in the countryside.
Evocatively capturing the bucolic beauty of provincial France, this gentle feel- good charmer (a box office hit around the world) sparkles with quirky humour and joie de vivre and guarantees to warm hearts with its classic story of a man finally coming of age.

The Grocer's Son will be released on UK DVD by ICA Films on 6th July 2009 at the RRP of £12.99. No extras have been listed. |