No, not the Oscar-winning girlie movie starring Johnny Depp (a mistake made by the sole user review on this film's page on but the international breakthrough first feature by acclaimed filmmaker Claire Denis, she of J'ai pas sommeil (I Can't Sleep, 1994), Nénette et Boni (1996) and the compelling Beau travail (1999).
Chocolat is set in a remote town in Cameroon during the last days of France's African colonies. There lives a sole white family – Marc Dalens, the often-travelling regional administrator; his wife Aimee, who does her best to stave off frustration and boredom with household activities; and their young daughter France, who cultivates a special friendship with the native servant boy Protee. But the family's ordered world is threatened with chaos when a plane full of strangers makes an emergency landing nearby, its arrival unleashing a torrent of simmering resentments, racism and repressed passions.

Chocolat will be released on UK DVD on 23rd March 2009 by Artificial Eye at the RRP of £19.99. The disc will feature a 1.66:1 anamorphic transfer and optional English subtitles, while the only extra feature - unusual for Artificial Eye, is a trailer. |