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The Silence of Lorna in April

5 March 2009

Few current European filmmakers have met with the sort of repeated acclaim that Belgian filmmaking brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne have enjoyed. It all really kicked off with the 1999 Rosetta, which won three major prizes at Cannes, including the brothers' first Palme D'Or. Three years later their 2002 Le Fils (The Son) was also three times nominated at Cannes and won two prizes, but was pipped by The Pianist for the Palme D'Or. Three years on they delivered L'Enfant (The Child), which won a slew of awards including the brothers' second Palme D'Or win at Cannes. Another three years have passed since then and a new Dardenne bothers movie has arrived on schedule. Expectations, inevitably, are somewhat high.

The Silence of Lorna DVD cover

In The Silence of Lorna (Le Silence de Lorna), the title character (played by Kosovan actress Arta Dobroshi), is a young Albainian living in Belgium. In order to become joint owner of a snack bar with her boyfriend she becomes accomplice to a plan devised by mobster Fabio, who has orchestrated a sham marriage between her and hapless drug addict Claudy. The marriage enables her to obtain Belgian citizenship, and then to marry a Russian mafioso willing to pay big money to acquire the same citizenship quickly. However, for the second marriage to take place Lorna has to get a divorce from Claudy, but discovers that Fabio has a different fate planned for him...

The Silence of Lorna will be released on UK DVD on 6th April 2009 by New Wave Films at the RRP of £19.99. An anamorphic 1.85:1 transfer with Dolby 2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround soundtracks and optional English subtitles is joined by the following extras:

  • Trailer (1:30);
  • Interview with Arta Dobroshi (14:58);
  • Interview with the Dardenne brothers (36:54).