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Gomorrah on 2-disc DVD and Blu-ray in February

23 December 2008

Based on Roberto Saviano's best-seller about the organised crime syndicate known locally as the Comorra, a group whose whose activities dominate the lives of those living in the suburbs of Naples, Matteo Garrone's Gomorrah has been acclaimed as one of the finest gangster movies of modern times. Moving between five seperate stories or orinary lives that are distrupted in some way by the Comorra, the film is the antithesis of The Godfather in its refusal to glamourise the lives and activities of hits characters, but it never flinches from the consequences of the resulting violence. The Grand Prix winner at this year's Cannes film festival, Gomorrah is a powerful, impressively performed and consistently rivetting work and the modern cinematic mafia story.

Gomorrah has been announced for a UK 2-disc DVD and single-disc Blu-ray release by Optimum Home Entertainment on 9th February 2008 at the RRP of £19.99 (DVD) and £24.99 (Blu-ray). Featuring a 2.35:1 transfer (anamorphic on DVD), both discs will also have the following extras:

  • Gomorrah: Five Stories documetary;
  • Backstage documentary;
  • Deleted scenes;
  • Interview with Roberto Saviano and the actors.

Hopefully we can update these details with running times nearer the release date.