Directed by Jack Clayton (The Great Gatsby, The Innocents, Something Wicked This Way Comes), Room at the Top chronicles the life of an ambitious young working-class man called Joe Lampton (Laurence Harvey) who moves into the Yorkshire town Warnley. There he pursues Susan (Heather Sears), against the wishes of her father, a powerful local industrialist. But Joe then falls in love with Alice (Simone Signoret), an older unhappily married French woman. Inevitably, their intense affair does not remain a secret and when Susan becomes pregnant, Joe is forced to choose between the two women – and the opposing worlds they represent.
Groundbreaking for the time and now seen as one of the first British 'kitchen sink' dramas, Room at the Top, based on a novel by 'angry young man' John Braine, boldly explores sexual attitudes and the boundaries of class and wealth within small-town Sixties England. It won Oscars for Best Actress (for Simone Signoret's blistering performance) and Best Screenplay based on material from another medium.
Room at the Top will be released on UK DVD by Network on 26th January 2009 at the RRP of £14.99. This Special Edition will feature a brand new transfer from the original 35mm film elements and the following extras:
- Audio commentary with and commemorative booklet by noted film historian and writer Neil Sinyard;
- Image Gallery;
- Jack Clayton's press cuttings scrapbook (PDF).