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Edith Piaf concert and documentary double pack in February

14 December 2008

Having been pushed back into widespread public awareness by the success of the biographical drama La Vie en rose, it seems only right that we get the chance to see and hear the real Edith Piaf, a cultural icon who is regarded by many of France's greatest and most popular singer. Fans of the 'little sparrow' can start rubbing their hands together with gleeful anticipation, as Edith Piaf The Perfect Concert & Piaf: The Documentary
is due to make its UK DVD premiere in February.

Combining a unique collection of filmed and recorded performances by Edith Piaf this spectacular two-disc set captures many of her finest and best-loved works. Coupled with an in depth and unique documentary featuring several rare and extraordinary interviews, this set is a fascinating and revealing portrait of one the world's favourite performers.

Much of Piaf's genuine passion in performance stemmed from the roots of her childhood and the challenges she faced in life. From her humble beginnings in Paris, living with her grandmother in a brothel, singing on the street to avoid prostitution; Piaf's life, loves and losses only served to make her rise to fame and glory even more triumphant. Piaf: The Documentary charts this story with rare interviews, footage of Piaf herself including home movies and an excerpt from Jean Cocteau's Le Bel Indifferent in 1940, as well as an extraordinary interview from the time of her manager's tragic murder in 1936.

Piaf's songs often reflected her turbulent life, especially the heart-rending ballads that she was so famous for. Featuring stunning versions of seventeen classic songs including La Vie En Rose, Non je ne regrette rien, Milord and L'Hymne a l'amour this comprehensive and beautiful collection of Edith Piaf performances and interviews comes to UK DVD on 2 February 2009 courtesy of Acorn Media. at the RRP of £19.99.