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Brotherhood of Blood from Metrodome in November

31 October 2008

Are there any vampire stories left to tell? Looking for new angles on old genres is a challenge that few filmmakers have effectively risen to and the vampire genre in particular has proved a challenge, especially given that its most revolutionary works were done way back in the 1970s and early 80s. But they keep trying. One of the most recent is Brotherhood of Blood, an independently made work that's actually attracting some favourable press. That its directed by Michael Roesch and Peter Scheerer, who served their appreticeships as scriptwriters for the notorious Uwe Boll, should not be held agaisnt the film. Should it?

Guarded by vampires and chained in a dark cellar by the mighty vampire King Pashek, crack vampire hunter Carrie Rieger's time is running out. Her relentless quest to crush the world's undead scourge has brought here to the home of Pashek. But she is not here to kill him. Instead she wishes to join forces with her immortal enemies in an effort to rise up against an even more terrifying threat, one that would chill the soul of even the most blood-thirsty vampire; the mighty vampire demon Vlad Kossel. Thought to have been killed many hundreds of years ago, Kossel has now returned to wreak bloody vengeance on his kind before enslaving humanity. He will destroy everything in his path and there is only one hunter who can stop him... Carrie knows an even greater threat than the vampires is coming ever closer. Everything will be decided tonight.

You can sink you're teeth into Brotherhood of Blood on 3rd November 2008 when it's released on DVD in the UK by Metrodome at the RRP OF £15.99. No sound and vision specs yet, but we do know that the only extra feature is a trailer.