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Assembly in May

1 April 2008

OK, we're not easily persuaded by poster press quotes, but when Xan Brooks in The Guardian describes the film as "a potent anti-war epic with heart-in-the-mouth battle sequences" and Time Out chips in with "An assured, effectively visceral and well-mounted spectacle" we at least take an interest. Assembly, or to give it its correct title, Ji jie hao, is, and I quote, "an epic, powerful and action-packed worldwide box office smash." Based on a true story, Assembly follows one man's journey in search of truth and honour during a Civil War where China saw one of its bloodiest battles.

Assembly DVD cover

Winter 1948: Captain Guzidi leads an infantry unit consisting of just 46 men on a sniping mission to defend the south bank of the Wen River. Their orders are to fight until the retreat assembly call is charged. That call never came. After many long hours of defence and with ammunition running out, men were falling hard and fast. The realisation dawned on Guzidi that the call might have been missed in the heat of battle, contributing to the deaths of those under his command. Waking in hospital after a brutal campaign Guzidi believes the last of his men sacrificed themselves during the deadly engagement. But he is shocked to discover they have been deemed missing or worse, deserters. He returns to the site of the battle, determined to prove the existence of the 46 heroes he fought with and honour their glorious deaths.

Assembly has been confirmed for a release by Metrodome on UK DVD and Blu-Ray discs for 5th May 2008 at the RRP of £17.99 for the DVD and £24.99 for the Blu-Ray disc. Featuring a 2.35:1 transfer (anamorphic on the DVD) and Dolby 5.1 surround sound on both discs, the special features will include a 15-part 'Making of' documentary running 75 minutes and a theatrical trailer.