you're a devotee of martial arts then you'll know all about
Muay Thai, the Thai fighting style that goes beyond fists
and feet and employs knees and elbows as offensive weapons.
Mind you, even if your involvement with martial arts extends
only to its incorporation into action cinema, you'll also
know about Muay Thai, it being the fighting style of the
genre's newest star, Tony Jaa.
have no doubt that the release of Muay Thai themed Ring
Girls has been timed to coincide with and cash in on
the release of Jaa's Warrior King, the
hotly anticipated follow-up to the spectacular Ong
Bak. I can't think of any other good reason
for putting it out, at least onto the UK market. Shot on
video and released straight to DVD, it's the sort
of American production that is clearly targeted at an insecure
portion of the domestic audience that will only watch a foreign
sport if it is being done by Americans, and even then only
if they WIN.

are informed up front that the story – five female Muay
Thai practitioners from Las Vegas, who have been trained by a Thai ex-patriot
known as Master Toddy, fly to Thailand to take part in a
Muay Thai competition – is 'based on true events', but it's
clearly a little more than that, the combination of real
footage and staged scenes plainly labeling the film as drama-documentary.
The in-ring fights certainly look for real, and the competition
the girls take part in has obviously not been
restaged for the camera. But a straight documentary this
most definitely is not.
intention was clearly to retrospectively recreate the road
to inevitable victory (I'll come back to that) by re-staging
the training scenes and pep talks that led up to the competition
and to the fights themselves. These are not recreated with actors
but the real Master Toddy and his fighting female students, which may well
seem like a safe road to authenticity but actually proves a deadly decision. On-screen charisma and natural
acting ability are in seriously short supply, and while
the training sequences feel convincing enough, the pauses
between look exactly what they are, non-actors asked to
read lines at each other without any real direction. At
it's lowest points, this is almost painful to watch and listen to.
it gets worse. Some bright spark decided to personalise
the experience by having the whole thing narrated as a recollection
of events by one of the girls, Gina. It apparently took
three people to write her script, but after just five minutes
of listening to it I deperately wanted to switch off. Wandering merrily
from cliché to cliché, this narration is annoying,
cheesy, self-congratulatory, and just occasionally silly
enough to be funny. As the tiresomely generic urban dance
soundtrack pumps endlessly in the background and Gina observes
how tough and good-looking they all are, and rattles on repeatedly
about being 'winners', the whole enterprise takes on the
air of an overlong and particularly irritating Nike commercial.
documentary centered on a person or group of people needs
to connect us to them on more than a superficial level,
and that simply doesn't happen here. This is partly because
there is never any real attempt to get beyond the image
of the girls as hard-fighting babes – we watch them train
and fight, but we never get to know them as people. This
is Playboy with aggression – look, admire, perhaps even
desire (a quick browse of some on-line reaction suggests
that the film has connected with a small audience who just
want the girls to beat them up and sit on their face), but
don't think for a second you'll get to know these women.

really nobbles the film, though, is the complete lack of
drama. You know, absolutely know, that from the moment Gina
tells us that "Master Toddy was making the biggest
bet of his life, thinking that he could train five American
girls to beat five Thai girls at their own sport, on their
own soil," the rest is going to be a foregone conclusion. Hell,
if the girls hadn't won, and won big time, this particular
film would not even have been made.
what are we left with? Well, plenty of footage of real Muay
Thai ring fights, and some may find that a refreshing and
realistic change from the careful choreography of martial
arts cinema. And yet even here realism is undermined by exaggerating the sound of every punch, kick and elbow wallop (or in many cases dubbed with kung-fu contact sound effects) to
more closely align the fights with the very genre films
this release appears to be riding the coat-tails of.
on high-band video, the transfer here is 1.78:1 anamorphic
and looks very good. Obviously it looks like video
rather than film, but that's appropriate to the subject
matter, and the colour, contrast and detail are all very
Dolby 2.0 stereo mix for the sound, but a clean, clear and
full rounded one. Whatever I might think of the film, it
looks and sounds fine.
it's been a while since I saw a DVD box claim that 'Interactive
Menus' and 'Chapter Selection' were special features. What
you will find are trailers for
Feed (1:19), Dongmakgol
(1:33) and Snoop Dogg's Buckwild Bus Tour
keep this short. I personally found Ring Girls
impossible to engage with and relentlessly annoying. Boxing
fans and babe watchers may disagree, but I'd still make
real sure before you buy, and those looking for a decent
sport-based documentary would be advised to move along the
shelf and pick up Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro's
Murderball. Like this film that also had
two directors, but just see what they did with their subject
matter and participants.