I review this film has much to do with what attitude I employ
for it. The academia studied and serious film me urges the
condemnation of such a piece of vacuous Hollywood nonsense.
But all the appeals to logic in the world cannot suppress
the child in me who has waited roughly twenty years for
this film! As a child of the 1980s I was the target market
for the franchise, Hasbro's cynical capitalist drives thankfully
lost on me, I was innocently snared by their toys, quickly
followed by the cartoon phenomenon. So, forgive me in saying
that 50% of the experience of watching Transformers circa 2007 was pure boyhood glee.
are many diehard Transformers fans across
the globe, and a few in our backyard let me assure you,
who have bitched and whined about the various changes and
updates of the characters they all know and love. Although
I can sympathize one must realize that this is 2007, not
1986 and inevitable updates will be made to fit in with
the time and the specific plot, so grow up and accept it!

now I feel secure in my maturity, I will explain how the
film appealed to me. I am not a fan of wholesale CGI and
never will be, but I must acknowledge the fact that in order
to make a convincing live action movie of this type computer
effects are crucial. And they are utilized here in a wonderfully
gratuitous manner. Plot be buggered (and I will come back
to that later), it's the robots I'd come to see, and bloody
robots I did see, in awesome transforming glory. As Superman had the tagline 'You'll believe a man can fly' then Transformers should have 'You'll believe a car can change into a massive
talking robot'! The fight sequences are breathtaking, yet
hampered with the modern stylistics of fast cutting and
some of the action is made confusing with wobbly camerawork
designed to make it all look more immediate and 'real'.
Some of which is effective, but much is just irritating.
the film hangs back for quite some time in the actual speech
of the robots, which was a particular area of interest to
me, and thankfully the talking is for the most part as believable
as could possibly be. So, I'd say a firm A for actual robot
depiction. And just let me state that it makes a huge difference
seeing this at the cinema where the robots look as imposing
as they are meant to. But it is on other fronts the movie
falls away.
because we are talking about a film revolving around talking
alien transforming robots there is no reason for the plot
to make the audience suspend their disbelief any further.
I think we all knew Mr Michael Bay would be able to handle
the action sequences, but as feared what the plot could
be described as is a way of merely connecting the set pieces.
Up until the final act of the film everything coasts along
well, in a world similar to our own. The acting and script,
although nothing to get excited about, are acceptable. But
when the rising action mounts and one is tied up in the
excitement, Bay and company seem to think we won't notice
certain unresolved and more obviously, unexplained details.
To be perfectly honest, this is pretty much what I expected
from a film like this and really don't care too much. For
me it was all about seeing Optimus Prime and Megatron, walk,
talk, fight and generally interact in a realistic way, but
those who want something more out of Transformers (2007) will be disappointed. If you want a Transformers film with a decent plot watch the animated 1986 feature,
it even has a cameo from Orson Welles!