confession up front.
like caper movies, good or bad. There's some inherent 'caper
movie DNA' that I either possess or happily succumb to.
Whether it's the labyrinthine plots, the ingenious solutions
to brow-knottingly difficult problems or the well crafted
satisfying ending that sends you out into the world with
a little spring in your step, I'm game. Yes, you've forgotten
most of it by the time your handbrake's off but that's what’s
also satisfying - you can line up for DVD seconds a few
months to a year down the line and still be mildly entertained
because most of it leaked out of your head minutes after
you'd seen it.
11, (a
gorgeous title. Aesthetically, it just feels right) was
originally a 60s Brat Pack vehicle. Some say, perhaps uncharitably,
it was less of a heist caper and more of an excuse for several
über-famous soon-to-be-pop-culture-icons to co-ordinate
their drinking time in Las Vegas. In 1998, the Sex,
Lies and Videotape independent movie making hero,
director Steven Soderbergh, made a rather strong man-on-the-run
thriller called Out of Sight. The man was
George Clooney. Why Ms. Lopez does not continue with this
level of work amazes me. It seems as if being a pop star
has eroded her credibility as a dramatic actress. So Soderbergh
and Clooney decided that they were good for each other and
set up their own company, Section Eight Ltd.
Their Ocean's 11 was a cinematic treatise in
'the light touch'. Pitt and Clooney made a startlingly good
double act, effortlessly in tune with each other and that's
rare. It's either amazing chemistry evident in a happy accident
or work of the highest calibre - either way it's a joy to
watch. The sneering Andy Garcia played the effective foil
and everyone went home happy (except Mr. Garcia). Soderbergh’s
modern, camera moving, jump-cut, garishly graded style was
emerging and, in the sequel, we expected to be in for a
very similar ride.
12 (and there are many candidates for who is actually
the twelfth in the gang) didn't disappoint. It delivered
almost exactly the same sense of audience satisfaction with
an added bonus, something strangely lacking in the first
movie - a romantic interest for Rusty Ryan. You can't have
Brad Pitt oozing sexual confidence and effortless cool all
over the place and no woman to spar with. Clooney already
has Julia Roberts. His movie star hierarchy can't go any
higher arkey than that. Pitt's sparring partner is to be
congratulated, look you. No, she's not the first woman detective
on screen, nor the first detective set in Amsterdam. To
my knowledge (scant and selective it may be) she's the first
ever Welsh detective on screen. Shout it from the rooftops.
The extraordinarily talented Cathy Jones (you can see why
she added the 'erine' and the 'Zeta') can put on any accent
(see Chicago for a bravura performance)
but she elected or someone elected to keep her own and it
really suits her and the character. It's different and different
in a sequel is to be applauded.

of the cast does sterling work (it really takes a lot to
make things look so unrehearsed) and Clooney's dead pan
and obvious disappointment at everyone believing him to
be closer to 50 in age was a joy. Everyone's back for the
sequel and fresh from his Bourne contract, Matt Damon still
reminds us how gawky and un-worldly he can be if he tries.
Cameos abound (who'd not want to be part of this globetrotting
star studded enterprise?). Eddie Izzard, still not convincing
me that he can cut it as a fully fledged character actor,
pops up as a holographic artist. Robbie Coltrane does his
Cracker hard man routine unnerving Damon in the process,
the cinematic equivalent to expecting an American to understand
and appreciate the game 'Mornington Crescent'. It's a culture
plot? Walking stick toting Garcia wants his money back with
interest or all Danny's eleven are dead and there aren’t
enough jobs going for thieving gangs to make up what’s
needed to keep the bullet at the door. So a little wager
is made with the best thief in the world (his own moniker)
and so start the deceptions, the role-plays, the trickery
and chicanery. It's all as plausible as vegan haggis but
I'm glad to say that there were things that one did not
see coming. It's much too bitty to be as satisfying as the
first (which after all was really one big heist plot) but
the separate elements are diverting enough for that not
to matter too much.
the film is notable to me for being the first film to stretch
the fifth wall almost to breaking point. Some movies create
their own worlds, some riff on our familiar one. But very
few movies get away with the coup that Ocean's 12 gets away with. I will not spoil a very funny but potentially
damaging moment but I will talk about the idea. The 'fourth
wall' (from a Google search) is:
used with reference to stage sets, this term refers
to the imaginary wall between the characters and the
audience. "Breaking the fourth wall" refers
to comics in which the characters are aware that they
exist in a comic book, sometimes for the purpose of
I remember Billy Whizz in The Beano once meeting
himself coming the other way because the artist wanted to
bring him down a peg or two. It was almost collusion between
the creators and the audience that entertainment could be
found by breaking down the thin veneer of suspension of
belief. In TV Shows and Movies that reference the real world,
I sometimes go down an uncomfortable path. The more famous
the person or thing is referenced then the easier the weirdness
is to deal with. Everybody knows who Nixon was for example.
So Spock can quote “Only Nixon could go to China…”
in a Star Trek movie and everyone gets
it (they are referencing Earth after all and from the future
too, so Nixon was far away, long dead). But the closer to
home the stranger it is.
Friends references Buffy. Buffy references well known soap operas and other TV shows. The
Simpsons references everything (but then Groening's
yellow skinned animated characters get away with everything
because they are animated - that's the beauty of it). But
if Friends' world is self contained and
they admit that a show called Buffy exists,
don’t they sort of cancel each other out? How can
Phoebe exist as a character in Friends in a world where the TV show Buffy exists?
Lisa Kudrow could very well be in the same grand room as
Sarah Michelle Gellar at some awards ceremony. Does anyone
else have this silly problem of mine - 'suspension of disbelief
worlds' whose entertainment potential also includes the
knowing wink to an audience that 'we know it’s all
fake'? What was that line from Stakeout?
Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez playing a 'what movie
was this quote from?' game. Estevez's quote was a line Dreyfuss
actually delivered in a film a decade earlier. "This
was no boating accident…"
Well, Ocean's 12 goes one step further and it
works so well that I was never uncomfortable with it for
a moment. I will let you discover what this is for yourselves…
It's well worth it. Originality in any form and especially
in any sequel should be applauded.
then I am a sucker for caper movies…