you didn't catch the then newly launched Channel 5's comedy
sketch show We Know Where You Live back
in 1997 then don't feel too bad, as you're not the only
one, not by a long shot. This may well change, but as I
write this the series' IMDb page has no external reviews,
no user comments and is still awaiting the requisite five
votes to qualify for a star rating. It may not have found
the audience it was looking for, but it nonetheless earns its
place in comedy history for the careers it helped to launch,
faces more familiar for what they were to later achieve:
Fiona Allen went on to star in Smack the Pony,
Ella Kenion was a regular on The Catherine Tate
Show, Sanjeev Bhaskar hosted The Kumars
at No. 42, Amanda Holden swapped comedy for drama
in the recent Wild at Heart (no, not the
Lynch one) and Simon Pegg's star has since soared with the
likes of Spaced, Big Train,
Shaun of the Dead,
Hot Fuzz and...oh you don't really
need me to tell you this, do you?

Know Where You Live borrows its format from previous
TV sketch shows, in particular the hugely popular The
Fast Show, especially in its use of short skits
built around repeating characters with predictable punch
lines. I remember Harry Enfield once jovially chiding former
colleague Paul Whitehouse for the behaviour predictability
that is at the heart of The Fast Show,
suggesting that once the character was established all they
had to do each week was walk on and and deliver their catch phrase.
The point is valid and it really shouldn't work –
in theory we should groan every time the the pottering Patrick
comes on and starts rattling on about nothing in particular,
knowing full well that he's always going to end with the
words, "which was nice." But we don't, or at least
a lot of us don't. I can't for the life of me explain why
this is in any way funny, but it is. It's the same with the
enthusiastic walker with his ever changing backgrounds ("Aren't
mountains brilliant!"), the drunken old sot with his
mumbled war stories, the country gardener who pops out of
his shed to tell us what he will be mostly wearing this
week, the two ludicrously suggestive tailors, and a whole
slew or others. On paper it should fall flat, but on the
screen it works in spite of itself, the result of some canny
writing and the enthusiasm of a talented group of comedy
performers running with their material and characters. It's
a risky and delicate line to walk – if you're going to have
the same characters do pretty much the same thing each week
and ignore a golden comedy rule by allowing the audience
to be one step ahead of you, then that character had better
damned well work. Which is where We Know Where You
Live hits its first banana skin.
The Fast Show, it creates a number of repeating
characters with punch lines that we are invited to gleefully
anticipate. These include Scandinavian pop show host Angst,
an emergency room where the doctors urgently string similar
sounding words together, the self-trivia spouting Information
Man, and The Detectors, who push their way into houses to
apprehend invisible men, cheerful old uncles, and extras
from religious epics. The problem is that they're not that
funny. Information Man and the emergency room doctors are
a complete misfire (the doctors further scuppered by media student
quality American accents), while Angst is another in a long
and annoying line of characters beloved of British comedy
for no other reason than their accents and TV are different to ours. And
yes, I'd include The Fast Show's Channel
9 news and weather presenters in that sweeping slap.

repeating characters work rather well, either by keeping
the gags brief and varied – as with sultry porn star Debbie
D'Light – or by accentuating their absurdity and letting
the performer run with the sketch, as with Pegg's blood
soaked, patient-killing surgeon, a blackly funny character
with disturbing overtones for anyone with wobbly confidence
in the medical profession. Possibly the most curiously successful
of the recognisably Fast Show-eque gags
involves a group of office staff who appear to delight in
the latest life decision by one of their number, only go
slack jawed with mocking disbelief the moment the person in question exits the room.
As with its Fast Show equivalents, it's
hard to nail down just why this is consistently amusing,
but it is.
cast are certainly the draw here, breathing life into sometimes
mediocre material and shining when it rises to their collective
talent. Every now and then they are paired with a character
that perfectly showcases their comedy skills, as with Ella
Kenion's cheerfully obstructive company receptionist, Fiona
Allen's wearily patient Nightnews presenter, Amanda
Holden's pissed-off and self-centred girlfriend, and Simon
Pegg's wide-eyed enthusiasm as the incompetent surgeon.
It's Pegg who surprises the most here, displaying a character
range that's been considerably narrowed in recent years,
his future screen persona signposted by a bang-on series
of sketches in which he is repeatedly freaked out by his
girlfriend's detailed descriptions of feminine medical conditions.
best skits really are funny, but a sizeable number don't
quite hit the mark and a few too many just fall flat, from
the student review level commercials for products like Syphaway,
Scab Kill, Wound-Go and Bum Worm Paradise, to the current
affairs programme showcasing people who are not missing,
and the performers themselves seem ill suited to playing
historical or elderly characters. But when it works you
get a flavour of how good the show could have been had the
writing been more consistent or, given the quality of some
of their later work, had the cast themselves taken on this
task. There is funny stuff tucked away in here, and for the
sketches that work and the energetic enthusiasm of the cast,
it's just about worth hunting out.

should be noted that the original series ran for 12 or 13
episodes, depending on which source you believe, but was
re-screened by Channel 5 in January and February 2000 as
a seven-part compilation of series highlights entitled We
Know Where You Live – Remix, which is the version
supplied here.
for British TV in the late 1990s, the show is inevitably
framed 4:3 and shot on video, but is nicely transferred
here, with the contrast and sharpness consistently solid
and no obvious compression artefacts or banding. Digital
grain is evident, but not in any way intrusive.
soundtrack is stereo 2.0 and is typically TV clear, with
frontal separation largely limited to the music and canned
may not have laughed anywhere near as much as I'd hoped
to, but I still can't help but applaud Fremantle's DVD release
of this not widely seen and almost lost-in-the-vaults show.
It deserves recognition for its cast alone, and despite
my groans I had no trouble sticking with it for the intermittent
sketches that do score. There are some real duds in there,
sure, but it's hard to resist the hotel receptionist who
relieves his night-shift boredom by acting out scenarios
with imaginary customers, or the cheerful middle
class dinner hostess who likes to give her guests "a
grope around the toilet parts."