should be obvious by now – we're on Volume 4 of Speed
Grapher and if you're new to the series and want to avoid tripping over some serious spoilers, you
really should see the preceding episodes before even reading
this. Those taking only a casual interest would still do
well to check out my coverage of Volume
1, Volume
2 and Volume
3 if they're going to make any sense of what's
written below.
drama kicks off exactly where it ended in episode 12, and
I mean the very moment, with the young Kagura grieving over
the body of her murdered mother, whose death at the hands
of her power-hungry lover Suitengu was the biggest narrative
surprise of Volume 3 (now I did warn you,
didn't I). The series reminds of its adult credentials when
Suitengu repeats his intention to wed Kagura and is reminded
that she is actually too young to marry, to which Suitengu
calmly responds, "Then simply alter her records."

impending marriage becomes the focus of the first two episodes
of this set, a union that is all about power consolidation
for Suitengu, and one that Saiga is determined to stop at
all costs. His bond to Kagura is one of the series' most
intriguing elements, as his friendship develops into the
longing of a lover, although any suggestion of a sexual
element is carefully avoided. Less coy about her passion
is Ginza, whose obsession with Saiga explodes when he announces
his intention to rescue Kagura – she rains bullets at his
feet and beats him silly out of frustrated desire, then
a short while after is offering her own life up to protect
a strangely end-of-series style conclusion to episode 14,
things get back to normal with Saiga and Kagura on the run,
pursued by Tsujido and her heightened sense of smell and
a variety of Euphoria-enabled cohorts. It's here that a
sense of familiarity and repetition sets in and the series
takes on an aura of an American superhero comic, with the
uniquely gifted Saiga challenged by a string of dastardly
villains with their own specialist, identity-shaping powers,
with whom he does battle and systematically defeats. Such
characters are certainly of individual interest beyond their
Euphoria-induced skills – the murderous lechery of the Spider
Man Yurigaoka Ran, the rampant megalomania of the electrically
enabled Catholic minister and, best of all, the dark suicidal
history of Water Woman Tsurumaki Harumi. They're all enjoyable
sidelines in their own right, but it's ground we've been
treading for 16 episodes now, and in narrative terms smacks
just a little of déjà vu. Mind you, repetition
is the watchword in episode 16, with a sequence that
for almost half the running time outlines some
of the financial losses and gains of the Tennozu Group entirely through the use of clips from earlier episodes.
drama trots along engagingly enough within these restrictions. Existing story strands are developed, including
the first signs of deteriorating health of Kagura's part
and the Tennozu Group's development of a fortune-making
drug distilled from her 'substance'. New avenues are
also explored regarding the virus at the root of Saiga's Euphoria
and the detrimental consequences of its continued use, recalling
the link between telepathic powers and a developing brain
aneurysm in Stephen King's 1980 novel Firestarter.
If you've been with the series until now then there's more
than enough here to keep you involved, but there's the nagging
sense that Speed Grapher may be starting
to engage the autopilot.

volume consists of episodes 13-16, whose English language
titles are: Ginza the Lawless, The Wedding
Photographer, Hell is a Wet Woman and Audit
the Wicked, while the subtitles on the Japanese language
version have them as Uncharted Ginza, Kagura,
Married Woman, Watery Woman's Hell and Semiannual
Financial Report.
anamorphic 16:9 transfer is equal to those on previous volumes
in every aspect, the NTSC to PAL conversion only really
revealing itself on rapid character or camera movement.
Otherwise, the picture looks as good as ever, with distinct
colours and decent contrast, though the modern anime trend
for the overexposed look means that some shots are deliberately
less bold.
again the English 5.1 surround dub is sonically superior
to the Japanese stereo 2.0 original, despite some distinct
separation on the latter. That said, the English mix occasionally
falls short of the Japanese, as in the wedding in the giant
cathedral, where the English voices lack the subtle reverb
applied to their Japanese cousins and thus do not feel so
convincingly of the location.
Saito Documentary – Part 1 (48:43)
someone used to a small sprinkling of largely superficial
extras totalling only a few minutes on UK anime discs, this
one caught me completely by surprise. Actually titled Kei
Saito's True Story as Kagura Tennozu, Vol. 1,
it follows young newcomer Kei Saito's journey from her first
audition to her successful selection as the voice for Kagura
and involvement in the promotion of the series. With the
2,056 original applicants having been whittled down to just
10, we are presented with extracts from each of the finalists' auditions
and thus get the chance to make our own selection – personally
I think they got it right. The girls are all thoroughly
engaging in that way enthusiastic young Japanese just always
seem to be, while Kei herself copes well with having a video
camera stuck in her face to record her reactions to just
about everything she's involved in. Some may find it a little
long-winded, but I was fascinated by such a concentrated
peek behind the scenes.
Cast Auditions (9:17)
The series' regular extra feature has English language voice
director Christopher Bevins introducing three more of the
American cast, whose first and second readings we get to
hear. This time round it's Clarine Harp, who plays Ginza
(one of Bevins' favourite characters – mine too, though
I far prefer her Japanese incarnation), Mike McPharland,
who voices Chief Ekoda, and Anthony Bowling, the man behind
Ginza's assistant Shiina.
Less substantial extras are the Art Gallery
(1:31), a superfluous selection of grabs set to the main
theme, the Textless Opening (1:33)
and Textless Closing (1:33), and
Trailers for Berserk
(2:05) and Trinity Blood (1:31).
volumes in and Speed Grapher still has
me hooked, though is starting to retread its steps a little
and get locked into a formula, which of course does have
its own small pleasures. Mind you, we've been here before
in Volume 2 and I was happy enough with
what followed, so am prepared to wait and see where we go
next. The DVD itself is a must for series fans, not just
for the episodes but for the detailed look at one girl's
journey from anime fan to minor celebrity, and the suggestion
that there's more to come in the next volume.