up, why is it that the moment a film called Pervert!
lands on the Outsider doorstep it's passed straight
on to me? (Oh do be serious – Ed.) Anyway,
to business.
If you've never seen a Russ Meyer movie then you've missed out on a singular viewing experience. Meyer was a true auteur, working
as writer, producer, director, cinematographer and editor
on his films, and even making an appearance in most of them.
If the name really is new to you then you may be wondering what sort of films he made. Documentaries?
Social realist dramas? Thrillers, perhaps, in the mode of
the great Alfred Hitchcock? No, Meyer made sex comedies starring women with huge breasts, but he made 'em
better and funnier than anyone else around. And if you've
never sat through a Russ Meyer movie, then Pervert!
is likely to leave you wondering just what director Jonathan
Yudis thinks he's up to.
and his scriptwriter Mike Davis are clearly Russ Meyer fans.
You don't need me to tell you that, as there's a big dedication
to Meyer in the end credits. They're such big fans that they've
decided to make their own Russ Myer movie, but give it an
identity of its own by exaggerating the violence by way
of Troma and throwing in a pinch of crazy old desert redneck
to spice the pie.

The old crazy in question here is Hezekiah
(a wonderfully grizzled Darrell Sandeen, whom you might just recognise as Buzz Meeks from L.A. Confidential),
who's shacked up with the young and unfeasibly big chested
Cheryl (porn star and would-be California Governor Mary
Carey, who's actually rather fun here). She yells a lot
during sex but clearly holds Hezekiah in complete contempt. There
is a reason for this. Anyway, when Hezekiah's good-looking son James
(a wonderfully innocent Sean Andrews) arrives from college
to spend the summer with his Pa, Cheryl sets about seducing
this strapping and virginal young lad. We're not talking
subtle suggestiveness and double entendres here. No, Cheryl
declares her interest by plucking a beehive from a tree,
pouring honey over her naked chest and using it as massage
oil. You get the picture. So does James, but his lustful
ambitions are then floored when he's stung about the face by
the hive's angry occupants. Luck's not on his side at this
point. He starts having dreams about satanic ceremonies
in which he is the victim, is lusted after by a scary local
mechanic (played by director Yudis), and discovers that Dad spends his leisure time constructing sculptures of women out of raw meat.
But when James and Cheryl finally get together they're at
it like they're going for gold in an Olympic sex event.
Then one night James overhears an argument between Hezekiah
and Cheryl. The next morning Cheryl has mysteriously vanished
and Hezekiah is cutting up some new meat for his sculptures...
this is just the start of it. More women appear
in the shape of buxom town girl Alisia (Sally Jean) and
buxom nurse Patty (Juliette Clarke), who's been called in
to evaluate Hezekiah's sanity at the request of his concerned son, who has become increasingly convinced that his Dad has gone kill crazy. On
top of that, there's something small and vicious running
around the house, a creature that's as capable of delivering sexual
pleasure as it is of violent homicide.
and Davis haven't so much absorbed the cinema of Russ Mayer
as taken a long hot bath in it and swallowed the water
afterwards. Breasts are exposed, wobbled at the camera (which
is often low enough to exaggerate their size further), and
massaged at every opportunity, accompanied by a variety
of cartoon sound effects and a music score that hops from
genre to genre at a dizzying pace. I'm not exaggerating here – in the space of just thirty seconds the score
shifts from Bollywood to classic frontier western to swingtime
jazz. It's all very silly and if you don't get the
references it'll seem hopelessly out of its time, a He-He-He
for big tits in the age of hardcore internet porn.

if you do get the joke then there's just enough here to make
Pervert! worth your while. The principal
pleasure lies in a script that knows its source material
and is prepared to have fun with it, seemingly playing it
straight one minute but smartly piss-taking the next. "Why
son, why?" pleads Hezekiah on the mistaken belief that
his son is a murderer. "I was just about to ask you
the same thing!" responds James, "Except for the
son part." Later, he chastises his father: "What
do you know about women? With your crazy, dirty little whores
and your objectifying sculpture work!" An almost ludicrously
innocent first date with Patty sees the couple skip in slow motion and walk into shot with ice cream cones,
irrespective of their isolated desert location, while the
conversation that follows veers cheerily from "What's
your favourite colour?" to "If you had to wipe
an entire race of people from the face of the earth, which
would it be?" A secretly made phone call by James to
have Hezekiah committed is repeatedly interrupted to bellow
at his father to put the extension phone down, and a lesbian
flashback scene skips the expected saucy sex in favour of
showing the two girls having a pillow fight and giving each
other presents.
restraint is abandoned in the final third, with the mystery
creature unmasked and brought to life with a don't-give-a-crap
disregard for realism, using the sort of claymation approach that made similarly
handled sequences in Freaked
and The Happiness of
the Katakuris so endearing, and the family
drama is brought to a literally and absurdly heart-rending
conclusion. It's sexist, a little homophobic, and contains
at least one scene designed to offend all but the most hardened
misogynists. But it's also witty, well made, affectionate
for its inspirational source and, intermittently, a whole
lot of fun.
decent enough anamorphic 1.78:1 transfer that could have
been a little better were it not an NTSC to PAL transfer,
though it's still superior to many of its ilk, having little of
the motion judder and blur that blights the worst offenders.
It loses out on sharpness, which is a notch lower than a
true PAL transfer could have been given the 35mm film source.
Contrast and colour are pleasing enough, but bright blue
skies display some visible compression artefacts.

Dolby 2.0 stereo track is bright enough, but the 5.1 surround
track is a lot livelier, with neat surround work and some
meaty bass in places.
Lesbian Scenes (2:12)
The lesbian scene with a couple more kisses and a nipple
lick. Not enough to get excited about, but I'm sure its
on-box announcement will prove a selling point.
the Chasm of the Hypervixens – Making Pervert!
An enjoyable making-of documentary that mixes cast and crew
interviews with pre-production and on-set footage. Director
Yudis comes across as easy-going and likeable, and the performers all appear to have had a good time. There's some revealing info
here – the budget was apparently just $50,000 and the entire
film was shot in just 12 days. The admiration for Russ Meyer
is made clear here, scriptwriter Mike Davis referring to
him as "the American Fellini."
Scenes (5:12)
Not as revealing as you might hope, they include a long
dialogue scene between James and nurse Patty, who here suffers
from a condition called phallophobia.
About 90 (I lost count) behind-the-scenes and publicity
stills, all very good quality and that fill the anamorphic
screen for a change. There are some spoilers here.
A few outtakes, not as funny or interesting as you would
Not the slickest trailer in town, and with a few too many
spoilers to watch before the film.
quite as funny as it probably could have been, Pervert!
is still a well made and witty piece that could well be
destined for cult status and is a must for Russ Meyer fans.
Arrow Films have delivered a pretty good DVD, although a
PAL transfer would have been nice.